The College of Direct Support offers a full curriculum of training for your entire organization. To help you and your staff make a difference in the lives of everyone you work with, we offer education at every level.

Dedicated Training


As you empower your support staff with the expert content they need to help others lead more meaningful lives, CDS also gives you the ability to support managers and supervisors. For your leaders on the frontline, the College of Direct Support curriculum includes access to the College of Frontline Supervision and Management training.

By providing education for your frontline teams, your entire staff will me more effective and your support impactful. The College of Frontline Supervision and Management curriculum covers key areas of leadership:

  • Developing an Intervention Plan
  • Fueling High Performance
  • Preparing for the Supervisor’s Job in Human Services
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Training and Orientation
  • Your First Few Weeks and Months as a Supervisor

Together, these courses will empower your managers and supervisors to continue developing their leadership knowledge and skills. To learn more about each course, visit our catalog. For support and any other questions one the College of Frontline Supervision and Management, contact us today.